
Explore My News,
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Hey Everyone! So God did amazing things in Romania and touched many hearts! There were salvations, deliverances, physical healings, and the gospel was preached to hundreds!! All of this took place very fast. Over a period of two weeks. We got out of quarantine and spent the rest of our time bringing the kingdom of God hard and fast to Romania!

I attached a video summary, as well as some pictures. I’m now in Albania with my team. Starting evangelism/ministry in a predominantly Muslim area. Thank you all so much for your prayers! Please keep praying for me! (prayers for strengthening, hearing His voice more clearly, for Wisdom, for more fillings of the Spirit and empowering, for more revelations in the Word, or whatever else God leads you to pray for me) I also deeply appreciate all of your financial support! I am getting close to having all that I need for these next 10 months of ministry with World Race!


In the unity of the Spirit, love of Jesus and arms of the Father,

Chris Tirado


2 responses to “Summary of Romania/ We have arrived in Albania!”

  1. How fun, a VLOG. I love seeing your smile, hearing your voice, and seeing your enthusiasm. Wow, God is on the move! So good that you got to share the Gospel with that gentleman that needed “proof” that God is God. Keep up the good work, Chris!